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Medellín, Colombia

Melonn is an online logistics company that stores, packs, and delivers products of some businesses that acquire a space in their warehouses to distribute their customers' orders in a shorter time.

Web Design - UX/UI - Development

logistics & ux/ui

The main idea of Melonn comes from the need for shipping purchases in a short time and letting the companies that contract their service generate higher sales by having this value of express shipping.

About the inspiration

We created the UX/UI and the brand universe's expansion with illustrations applied to the website. In the process, we played with the layouts and bright colors and created animations that convey the concept of speed to give it a modern look and stand out from any other website in the same industry. We kept the UX principles for the website and app, starting with comprehensive, intuitive, and easy-to-scroll and letting the final user control the inventory, merchandising, and sales.